Talk to almost anyone about me, and you will hear that I always seem to walk to the beat of my own drum. I do my own thing whether that includes spontaneously moving for a new job, showing up for an accountants interview with purple hair or choosing to have a child on my own.
Years ago, I was that gal who wore bright pinks and yellows to my stodgy professional job. Just before an important interview, I freshened up the purple in my hair, so it wouldn't look too faded. Why wear matching earrings, right?
Eventually life got heavy, so I found it easier to conform to the "norms" laid out before me. My wake up call came when I decided to do the single mommy by choice thing. Out came the bright clothes, mismatched earrings, and bright lipsticks. I flung that door wide open and stepped back into the light of my true self. I am filled with such genuine happiness and joy of living my best and true life.
As long as you are mindful and harm nobody, be yourself. Don't let anybody tell you to put the bright pink away for black. You are fabulous just the way you are! Don't let anyone put you back in the "normal" closet.
Love to you all!
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