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JOMO for the win!

FOMO? No way! JOMO!

We live in a fast paced society surrounded with all the latest high tech gadgets and all the social media one could dream of.  Everywhere we turn, a friend, i.e. virtual friend, is sharing their latest travels, promotions, engagements, weddings, new children, old children, and on and on and on.  You get the point. While we sit behind our keyboards and view these exciting posts, one may start to re-evaluate what he or she has going on, and then start to get anxiety, depressed, or begin to spend money to keep up with the online Jones.

Sure, I did the re-evaluating thing for a minute or two as well.

But then... I realized I really do not have FOMO, or fear of missing out.  I have JOMO, joy of missing out. Would I like to travel more and have exciting ventures to post about? Sure! But my most exciting venture is just living my life enjoying my career and extremely active two year old. I love coming home after a busy day in the office to enjoy my child as she jumps from couch to chair becoming a superhero, eats a very messy dinner, transforms into a mermaid in the bath, and then heads off to dreamland. Someday when my child is a little older and can sit still for more than a millisecond, I will drag her to fun events and exciting travels and post all about them. Until then, I will enjoy all of your exploits posted from the comfort of my own home while trying to sip my tea out of my toddler's reach.

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Joy for the Win
Joy for the Win


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